


Communicate with your clients, colleagues and socialise with everyone with a unique and chic Lawyered card by Techiebar

    Share information with confidence with just One Tap Update your card anytime anywhere, without tapping No hassle of carrying excessive network cards

    Next-generation of Networking with Lawyered

    Power is yours to share.
    Wireless share with one tap to share quick information to anyone or simply scan the QR code to get the information.

    Edit Information on the Go

    Update the information by simply entering your new information on the app.


    Store more. Do more.

    Access to all your private information is available at just one tap. Easy update and authentication with complete security. Not just makes your networking easy but also uplifts the style in which you share your information with others.

    All your information at one place with ease of networking and unlimited information in your pocket. One card saves it all anytime, anywhere through our specially designed app featured for users only which makes us keep your data safe and secure. No hustle of carrying more business cards with you. Just carry one for all the information.




    NFC, QR code

    Data Storage





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